Conch Shell

The conch shell symbolizes civilization. The conch is important because it helps the boys to be civil and listen to each other. Without the shell, the boys would be yelling at each other, interrupting each other, and talking over one another. All of the boys use the conch, but mainly Jack. It is used in two ways, one way is that it is blown to get the attention of  the boys so they know that a meeting is being called, and the other way is that it is used for the boys to hold when they want to speak.


  1. Greatly described how the conch shell is symbolized! The picture did help me understand more. Not to mention how greatly it goes with your page. Good job!

  2. Jada the picture and the description made me understand completely what the conch shell symbolize. Nice job!

  3. I understood the symbolism of the conch shell very well. The picture did help me and it caught my attention. The picture also helped me understand more. I think you did a great job.


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