Final Blog Entry

Dear Diary,


         After I looked up and saw the naval officer, I felt as though I was saved. Jack and his hunters were chasing me through the jungle. I had collapsed on the beach and I was about to give up, when I looked up and saw a naval officer standing above me. Jack and his hunters caught up to us, however they stopped running after me when they saw the naval officer standing there. The boys had a look of relief on their faces, but not Jack.


         The naval officer told us that he was disappointed in us for the way we were behaving. It seemed as though he didn’t even want to look at us because he was so disgusted. He explained to us that he would've expected more civilized behavior from us all. If only he knew everything that had happened while we were stranded on this island, he would be beyond disappointed. We took him back to Castle Rock so that we could gather all of the boys, including the twins. Once we were all gathered together, he brought us back to the beach, and despite our despicable behavior, he took us to his ship.


         We were all shocked that he still rescued us despite our behavior. While we were on the ship, Jack and I exchanged dirty looks. Even though we were being rescued, I still felt that Jack was waiting for the right time to kill me. However, he didn’t make any more attempts. Some of the other boys were deep in conversation, but Jack and I never spoke a word.


         The naval officer took us to a police station for our parents to come and get us. Luckily, both of my parents were alive. All of the boys had both parents to greet them when they arrived at the police station, except for Jack. When we arrived at the police station, Jack's mom was sitting there crying. She told Jack the horrid news of his father's death. Although Jack tried to kill me, and he tortured the twins, I couldn’t help but to feel bad for him.


         Once we were back with our parents, and we were all settled in. The naval officer told our parents what he had seen when he arrived on the island. Our parents were all surprised, and they sat with looks of disappointment. All of the boys including Jack and I hung our heads with embarrassment. We told our parents how we had survived on the island, and some details about what had happened there, leaving out the horrible details of Simon's death.


      When Simon, Piggy, and the little boy with the mulberry mark's mothers asked what had happened to their children, we all told them that they died out of starvation. We didn’t want to tell them that we either killed their child, or we lost them. The naval officer mentioned how he saw Jack chasing me with a spear. He had asked me if Jack was trying to harm or even kill me. I looked at Jack, and then I looked back at the naval officer, I lied. I told him that we were just playing a game so that Jack wouldn’t get in trouble, I realize that he tried to hurt me, but his father has been killed, and I have sympathy for him and his mom.



